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My Music (Nickleus)


sahi - automated web data extraction, export to tab separated csv file, in linux

here's a simple web data extraction script that logs into, navigates to a user profile page, extracts the input text field values for "first name" and "last name", saves the values in a tab separated csv file, then logs out of


// start URL:

_setValue(_textbox("username"), "myusername");

_setValue(_password("password"), "mypassword");

_click(_button("log in"));
_click(_link("User profile"));

var $ar = new Array();

$ar[0] = [_getText(_textbox("firstname")), _getText(_textbox("lastname"))];

_writeCSVFile($ar, "/home/me/userprofile.csv", true, "\t");

_click(_link("log out"));


start URL is a comment showing what you manually paste into the sahi controller > playback > start url field

see also part 2 of this tutorial:
sahi - automated web form submit using values from tab separated csv file, in linux

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